All Past Year Robot Cards and Descriptions

2014 & 2015 Season

BVS Image
BVS Description

Aerial Assist
In AERIAL ASSIST, two Alliances compete to score as many balls in goals as possible during a 2 minute and 30 second match. The more Alliances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work together to do it, the more points their alliance receives. AERIAL ASSIST is played on a 25 ft. by 54 ft. field.

Recycle Rush

In RECYCLE RUSH, alliances compete to score points by stacking totes on Scoring Platforms, capping those stacks with Recycling Containers, and properly disposing of Litter, represented by pool noodles, in designated locations. All field elements are reusable or recyclable at the end of the game season. The field is split by a small step which may not be climbed on or crossed by Robots. Thus each Alliance competes on their respective 26 ft. by 27 ft. side of the Field

Aries Image
Aries Description

2016 & 2017 Season

Pathfinder Image
Pathfinder Description


FIRST Stronghold involves breaching the opponents’ defenses, capturing their tower by firing "boulders" (small foam balls) at it, and then surrounding or scaling the tower using a singular rung on the tower wall. Points were scored by crossing defences, shooting boulders into the opposing tower's five goals, and by surrounding and scaling the tower. Each team was given the option to fly a team flag.

In FIRST Steamworks, teams are required to shoot wiffle balls which represent fuel into a simulated boiler. Each alliance has one airship, which they pressurize with steam from the boiler and load with plastic gears from the field. At the end of the match, robots can climb and hang on team-supplied ropes (or standard ropes supplied by FIRST) attached to the airship for additional points. FIRST Steamworks is played on a field 27 ft. by 54 ft. arena.

Curiosity Image
Curiosity Description

2018 & 2019 Season

Romulus Image
Romulus Description

In FIRST Power Up, teams are required to place milk crates, or "power cubes", on large balancing scales to tip the scale and gain ownership. Alliances can also trade power cubes for power ups, giving them a temporary advantage in a match. At the end of the match, robots can climb the tower using a rung at the top, giving them additional points. While most of the field is alliance-neutral, there are some alliance-specific zones. The ALLIANCE with the most points wins the match!

Deep Space
In DESTINATION: DEEP SPACE, Presented By The Boeing Company, we join two competing ALLIANCES collecting samples on Planet Primus. Unpredictable terrain and weather patterns make remote ROBOT operation essential to their mission on the planet. With only 2:30 until liftoff, the ALLIANCES must gather as many CARGO pods as possible and prepare their spaceships before the next SANDSTORM arrives. Each field for DESTINATION: DEEP SPACE is a 27 ft. by 54 ft. carpeted arena.

Kevin Image
Kevin Description

2020 & 2021 Season

Percy Image
Percy Description

Infinite Recharge

Cancelled due to Covid

In INFINITE RECHARGE, two alliances work to protect FIRST City from approaching asteroids caused by a distant space skirmish. Each Alliance, along with their trusty droids, race to collect and score Power Cells in order to energize their Shield Generator for maximum protection. To activate stages of the Shield Generator, droids manipulate their Control Panels after scoring a specific number of Power Cells. Near the end of the match, droids race to their Rendezvous Point to get their Shield Generator operational in order to protect the city!

Infinite Recharge

Covid Year Repeat

In INFINITE RECHARGE, two alliances work to protect FIRST City from approaching asteroids caused by a distant space skirmish. Each Alliance, along with their trusty droids, race to collect and score Power Cells in order to energize their Shield Generator for maximum protection. To activate stages of the Shield Generator, droids manipulate their Control Panels after scoring a specific number of Power Cells. Near the end of the match, droids race to their Rendezvous Point to get their Shield Generator operational in order to protect the city!

Percy Image
Percy Description

2022 & 2023 Season

Optimism Image
Optimism Description

Rapid React
In RAPID REACT, two competing alliances are invited to process cargo for transportation. Each alliance is assigned a cargo color (red or blue, based on alliance affiliation) to process by retrieving their assigned cargo and scoring it into the hub. Human players assist the cargo retrieval and scoring efforts from within their terminals. In the final moments of each match, alliance robots race to engage with their hangar to prepare for transport! Each field for RAPID REACT is a 27 ft. by 54 ft. carpeted arena.

Charged Up
In CHARGED UP presented by Haas, two competing alliances are invited to process game pieces to bring energy to their community. Each alliance brings energy to their community by retrieving their game pieces from substations and scoring it into the grid. Human players provide the game pieces to the robots from the substations. In the final moments of each match, alliance robots race to dock or engage with their charge station! Each field for CHARGED UP is an approximately 26 ft. by 54 ft. carpeted arena.

Ingenuity Image
Ingenuity Description

2024 & 2025 Season

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Apollo Description

In CRESCENDO presented by Haas, two competing alliances are invited to score notes, amplify their speaker, harmonize onstage, and take the spotlight before time runs out. Each time an alliance gets 2 notes in their amp, the human player can amplify their speaker for 10 seconds. Notes scored in an amplified speaker are worth more points than those scored in an unamplified speaker. As time runs out, robots race to get onstage and deliver notes to their traps. Harmonizing robots earn an added bonus. Robots earn even more points if a human player spotlights robots on a chain by scoring a note on the chain’s microphone.

In REEFSCAPE presented by Haas, two competing alliances are invited to score coral, harvest algae, and attach to the barge before time runs out.Robots collect coral from human players at their coral station and score them on the reef. To unlock all scoring locations on the reef, robots must dislodge algae from the reef and either score it in the barge or deliver it to the human player through the processor. A human player can then deliver the algae to the barge. As time runs out, robots prepare to return to the surface with their algae by grabbing onto their cages and parking under the barge.

Mystery Bot Image
Mystery Bot Description